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Setting up ssh access for runner to vm#

You will need create a key-pair. On the runner you will need the private key and on the vm the public key.

Best practice would be to create the user on your local machine and distribute the keys from there.

useradd deploy
passwd deploy
su deploy
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -a 200 -C "runner@github.com"
ls -la  ~/.ssh

Updating static html on vm#

When ssh is setup right, you can over the files with rsync.

rsync -rav ./public deploy@vm:~/<dir-for-html>

The deploying user (e.g. deploy) must be in the same group as nginx user (e.g. Group: www-data). You achieve this by:

usermod -a -G www-data deploy

To ensure all files have the right ownership, set the setgid-bit on the <dir-for-html>.

chmod -R g+s <dir-for-html>

Enabling debugging for steps#

If you need more insign into, what is happening, you can enable debugging for the job.

    runs-on: ubuntu-24.04


When passing multi-line secrets, make sure to border the secret with " like this:

earthly --secret host=${{ secrets.SSH_HOST }} \
--secret username=${{ secrets.SSH_USER }} \
--secret key="${{ secrets.SSH_KEY }}" \

The " keeps the format in it’s right place.


With certain actions you can cache binaries or docker-images instead of downloading them each run. This makes your builds much faster.

Caching Docker-Images#

This a action (there a many) you can use for caching a docker file.

- name: Cache Docker images for earthly
  uses: ScribeMD/docker-cache@0.5.0
    key: docker-${{ runner.os }}-${{ hashFiles('Earthfile') }}

You can use the hashfiles-function to generate a unique hash, to keep your caches apart. For generating the hash you should use the file, in which you declare your used image. In case of Docker that could be:

Caching binaries#

For binaries the caching can be done, within some steps. In this example caching of the earthly-binary is done.

# Step 1
- name: Setup cache for earthly binary
  id: earthly-binary
  uses: actions/cache@v4
    path: /opt/earthly/v0.8.13
    # If version changes, a new binary will be downloaded
    key: earthly-${{ runner.os }}-${{ env.EARTHLY_VERSION }}

# Step 2
- name: Download Binary if Not Cached
  if: steps.earthly-binary.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
  run: |
    mkdir -p "$EARTHLY_PATH"
    curl -L -o "$EARTHLY_PATH"/earthly https://github.com/earthly/earthly/releases/download/$EARTHLY_VERSION/earthly-linux-amd64
    chmod +x $EARTHLY_PATH/earthly    

# Step 3
- name: Add earthly to PATH
  run: echo "$EARTHLY_PATH" >> $GITHUB_PATH

# Step 4
- name: Check if earthly is in path
  run: earthly --version

Step 2 will just run and download the binary, if no key has been found. A good place to store binaries that are not installed by the systems package manager is /opt. In this example the semantic is /opt/<name>/<version> (e.g. /opt/earthly/v0.8.13). Add the path to $GITHUB_PATH to make the binary everywhere available.

The key of the cache (Step 1) needs to have a unique part. So you can keep different version apart. For the binary I just use the version number.


How this wiki works#

The wiki files are stored in my private dotfiles repository. Since I prefer to keep this repository private, but GitHub Pages requires a public repository, I push the necessary files to a separate public repository for publishing.

Committing Changes to the Private Repository#

Any changes made in docs/vimwiki are committed and pushed to the private remote repository.

Syncing to the Public Repository#

A GitHub Actions workflow automates the process of syncing changes to the public repository. Here’s how it works:

The workflow located in ~/.github/workflow/wiki.yml looks like this:

name: Update all wiki articles

      - main
      - docs/vimwiki/**
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
        working-directory: ./docs/vimwiki
      content: ./wiki/content
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - name: Cloning repo
          # Github personal access token 
          TOKEN: ${{ secrets.WIKI_REPO_TOKEN_RW }}
        run: |
            git config --global user.email "<>"
            git config --global user.name "Github Actions Runner"
            git clone --single-branch --branch main \
              "https://x-access-token:$TOKEN@github.com/hmaier-dev/wiki.git" "wiki"            
      - name: Removing old files
        run: |
            find  $content -name '*.md' -type f -exec rm {} \;
            ls -la            
      - name: Copy over new files
        run: |
            # Whitelist of all publishable wiki articles
            cp index.md $content
            # some more markdown files...            
      # Pushing to the public wiki
      - name: Commit and push new files
        run: |
            cd wiki
            git checkout main
            git add .
            git diff-index --quiet HEAD || git commit -m "Automatic wiki-publish"
            git push origin main            

Access Token Setup#

To enable this process, you need a GitHub personal access token with repo permissions. You can generate one at GitHub Settings > Tokens. When cloning the public repository, the token is passed as part of the URL, like this:

git clone --single-branch --branch main \
  "https://x-access-token:$TOKEN@github.com/user/public-repo.git" "repo"

Publishing via Hugo#

When the changes arrive in the public-repository, the publish.yml workflow is triggered. Running the workflow sets up earthly and uses it running hugo and publishes the generated html to the github-pages.


Earthly is like a Makefile for CI. All logic is declared in the Earthfile. This file enables me to declare different targets, which every of them spawns a docker-container. By using Earthly I can run my CI locally without waiting for a runner.


    FROM alpine:3.20
    RUN apk add --no-cache hugo

    # Hugo cannot work in root (/)
    WORKDIR tmp
    COPY content content
    COPY static static
    COPY hugo.toml hugo.toml
    COPY layouts layouts

    RUN mv content/index.md content/_index.md
    RUN hugo
    RUN ls -la public
    SAVE ARTIFACT ./public AS LOCAL ./public

    BUILD +hugo

The generated html-files are getting exporter to ./public, which is the publish_dir for Github-Pages.